Individual Contributions

Your individual or family contribution provides participation fees and supplies for ASPVA students who qualify for financial aid. Gifts of any amount can be designated and your generosity will have an enormous impact on the lives of artistically-talented children.

Community Donor – $50

Impact: Buys art supplies for a young artist

  • Recognized with your name and info on our social media pages
  • Receive ASPVA decal

ASPVA Advocate – $200

Impact: Presents a classical guitar to an aspiring musician, buys art supplies for 4 young artists, offers a half-day theater camp to two students

  • Recognized 2 times with your name and info on our social media pages
  • Recognized with your name, organization or company on our Sponsors page


Impact: A partial program sponsorship can be established in the name of the donor or in honor/memory of someone special. 

Receive all previous benefits, PLUS:

  • Information and link included in ASPVA bimonthly newsletter
  • 2 invitations to all special events, performances and galas throughout the year


Impact: A specified group of students will be sponsored in one program, which can be established in the name of the donor or in honor/memory of someone special. 

Receive all previous benefits, PLUS:

  • Bimonthly report on scholarship recipient’s activities, involvement and performances
  • Logo, name or tribute on sponsorship banners used at each ASPVA event


Impact: A full program sponsorship will be established in the name of the donor or in honor/memory of someone special.

Receive all previous benefits, PLUS:

  • Logo, name or tribute on all programs, invitations and marketing materials circulated for the duration of the scholarship disbursement


As of 2020, ASPVA is accepting donations in the form of stock holdings. For information on how to donate stock to ASPVA, please email

All donation recipients are recommended by an ASPVA committee of administrators on the basis of need. Donors may not select their own children as individual recipients. Contributions to ASPVA are eligible for tax exemption to the extent allowed by law.